Sunday 4 November 2007

Local Foot Hunt Invades Residential site for the morning

Well at the moment I'm sat in the cabin waiting for it to stop raining so that we can go for the planed walk, using the local hunt as light entertainment as they run around the site like idiots after a fox that I've just seen duck under the cabin for safety

We've had random packs of hounds running round the site for the last hour now, more interested in fussing round us than they are tracking foxes. Things are a little different here then the hunts back in Leicester, just as disorganised if a little more interesting to watch. Its not that I agree or disagree with hunting I was just brought up used to seeing it and watching this bunch of tweed coated farmer types thrash around in bushes with a pack of unruly hounds, I'm sorry but its nothing in comparison to a full blown posse of red coats on horse back blowing horns thundering past following a pack of still unruly hounds, followed by 100 plus followers on horse back. Sorry but the two just don't compare.

So getting bored of that quite quickly and as the rain is set in for the day I think I'd better have a pottering about day doing a few jobs until its time to go to the Aberdovey fireworks show, which is suposed to be on Sunday night according to the Dyfi Diary but now it appears to be tonight and hopefully the bonfire wont be washed away by a high tide this year.


Sandee said...

Thanks. You are using blogger, so you can fix to 'dofollow' on your blog. Here's the site to correct the NOFOLLOW:

She has links for both blogger and wordpress corrections. Good luck. :)

mitzy firstchase said...

Hey cheers for that, I'll do it now