With just over a week to go before moving to my cabin in Wales I am walking around with that lingering feeling of ‘what if I forget to do something’ syndrome. I can’t remember the last time I had a full night’s sleep and the fridge has more ready meals in it than the single guy who lives next door. Today I have decided that I am going to take control of my life and organise this transition so it runs smoothly with minimum aggravation, demons of ‘House Move’ be gone!!!!
I don’t actually know how half of this stuff got into the house, everything was so minimal when I moved in, I could breath. Over the years the rooms have gradually become smaller and smaller, some of the clutter I’ve won from the numerous pub raffles supporting the local Morris Dancer’s and Farmer’s Union. The rest of it has filtered it’s way in from several Birthday’s, Christmas’s, so called eBay bargains, car-boots, family inheritances, BOGOF offers and all the things I have collected since the year dot ranging from my favourite teddy that has no eyes to my school report’s stating that I was inattentive in class. Why am I keeping these things??!!
This is my advice, divide everything into three categories:-
a) To be thrown
b) To be kept
c) To come to terms with or needs a good reason.
Category A – To Be Thrown - This covers items such as, I’m sure this is not mine, why do I need to keep something which is derogatory to me, I must have been drunk when I bought this and unwanted presents from people you don’t really know but it’s the thought that counts.
Category B – To Be Kept - I must be strict with this and make sure I only take what I need, it’s a new home and therefore new beginnings, the only allowance here will have to be unwanted items that I need to retrieve from the drawer quickly when the family come round for tea.
Category C - To come to Terms with / Need a Good Reason - This covers items such as, sentimental letters and cards from ex partners that I now can’t stand but I do like a good read when it’s about me. Gold Jewellery, which I couldn’t possible throw because it’s worth something even though I’m never going to wear it and it’s lived in a box for the last decade. Royal Dolton China that’s been stored away in the garage because it’s doesn’t tie in with my tastes but was my grandmother’s favourite on a Sunday.
Category A and B are quite straight forward regarding packing, as for Category C give yourself a time limit of 24 hours then make the decision whether they need to go into Category A or B. If you are having difficulty deciding then a list of the following excuses may help sort out some of those difficult items.
a) I’m a little short on cash so Ebaying it will contribute to my future well-being.
b) I don’t need to keep these; I have a strong self esteem.
c) I’d rather it was put to good use.
d) Knowing that someone is getting great pleasure from this is very rewarding.
e) These were made just for you.
f) I can always buy a new one if I really need it.
I know if I can get through the above the rest of my move will be an absolute breeze, just need to make a couple of calls to the utilities disconnecting my supplies, get my mail redirected and notify the TV licensing of my change of address. For the first time in ages I feel I’m in control of my stuff; it’s no longer in control of me. Tonight I am looking forward to a good night’s sleep, can’t wait for the lights out and pull the duvet over…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz